A Fullstack developer with experience in AI and Web3.
I’m a firm believer in practice over theory so I’m constantly learning and trying out new ways to improve the ways I bring value to the world.
After some time working for companies and freelancing I have decided to start Bestem.dev where , along with my team, we focus on building technology for a better today.
You can send me an e-mail at:
If you'd rather use other means of communication or just want check out what I do on other platforms you can go to any of the following:
I'm most active here. I usually post stories of what books I'm reading or when I manage to fix a bug at 3AM. Event photos also go here.
Project demos, stream recordings and old videos playing guitar and making animations. I might start vlogging or doing tutorials here.
Fullstack development can be a complex field, especially when you’re starting from scratch. However, with the right tools and a little bit of effort, it is possible to become effective at it quickly. I used to work as a Python dev specialized in data analysis and visualization. While there were...
I have been involved in the organization of several entrepreneurship, tech and web3 events over the last years. Usually most of them on a small budget where paying for a ticketing system was not an option. The most popular option for teams in these settings is to just use Google...
After participating a couple weeks ago in the LFGrow hackathon with an international team I decided that I wanted to bring this kind of events to my local comunnity. Currently there aren’t many hackathons where I live (although they are getting more popular), the most important being the Nasa Space...